Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture Series
Anusandhan Trust has instituted the Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture Annual Series on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences to honour the intellectual and academic traditions that Krishna Raj set in place, and in his memory. This is a humble tribute to the memory of the visionary editor of the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW).Tenth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on
On September 18, 2019, from 2 pm to 4 pm, at Jivraj Mehta lecture Hall (MLT), College Building, Seth GSMC and KEM Hospital Parel, Mumbai 400012. 1
At Mumbai: Thursday, 27th September 2018 (2.00 pm to 4:00 pm) Venue: Jivraj Mehta lecture Hall (MLT), College Building, Seth GSMC and KEM hospital Parel, Mumbai 400012.
At Mumbai: Sen Kinare Hall, CVTS Building, Opp. to KEM College Main Building, KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai The Eighth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences 'The Golden Rule: a remedy for decadence in global health' By Dr Eric Suba
Seventh Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences
At Mumbai, February 27, 2015. The Seventh Lecture of the Krishna Raj Memorial was on Rethinking Population Education: Challenging the Gender and Structural Violence of Prevailing Norms .
Sixth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences
The Sixth Lecture of the Krishna Raj Memorial was on Ethics of Public Health interventions: A view from the frontline.
Fifth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences
The Fifth Lecture of the Krishna Raj Memorial was on Towards universal, comprehensive and equitable National Health Systems: The 22 Years Brazilian Experience in its context. Speaker: Dr. Armando De Negri Filho (PHM –Brasil / World Social Forum on Social Security and Health/ Latin American association of Social Medicine / Brazilian Association of Collective Health).
Fourth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences
The Fourth Lecture of the Krishna Raj Memorial was on Equity and Health-Care in the Era of Reforms. Speaker: Gita Sen (Professor, Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore).Hosted by: CEHAT, Mumbai with e-Social Sciences, TISS, Dept. of Economics, University of Mumbai, P. G. Dept. of Economics, SNDT Women's University.Sen, Gita. (2010). Equity and Health-Care in the Era of Reforms. Mumbai: CEHAT.
Third Krishna Raj Memorial Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences
The Third Lecture of the Krishna Raj Memorial was on CliniCal Trials and HealthCare regulation in India.
Second Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences
The Second Lecture of the Krishna Raj Memorial was on Making and Un-making Poverty: Social science, Social Programmes, and Poverty Reduction in India and Elsewhere.
First Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences
The First Lecture of the Krishna Raj Memorial was on Making and Un-making Poverty: Social science, Social Programmes, and Poverty Reduction in India and Elsewhere.